Friday, May 24, 2019

ACOG’s Three Pillars of Advocacy

An award-winning medical instructor, Dr. Luu D. Ireland serves as an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the UMass Memorial Medical Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School, where she educates medical students and residents. Dr. Luu D. Ireland has a history as a health care advocate, and is an active member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

The nonprofit ACOG engages in practice management, education, and advocacy in its role as the specialty's principal organization committed to advancing the health of women. The association has three pillars working in unison so that lawmakers support its practices and patients, and prevent political initiatives that could imperil women or the profession. These are:

1. Federal - Whether the action comes from Congress or the Executive Branch, ACOG is aware it can affect the very heart of the profession and is watchful of the initiatives coming from both branches of government, and it provides member guidance on how to help and act. 

2. State - Legislature at the state level can have the most impact on patients and practices. The organization has networks at the state level and encourages members to participate. 

3. Political - Members should choose lawmakers who support ACOG's views, as they are the ones creating the laws. Ob-GynPAC is the group's organization that effectively helps elect the right candidates, and members can learn how to support these efforts. 

ACOG emphasizes the importance of all three pillars and how each engages in effective ways to do more for the profession and those within its care.

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